Glasgow Access Panel - Improving Access For All

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GAP Directors:

  • Helen Douglas (Chairperson)
  • Deborah Mann (Vice Chairperson)
  • David Cowan (Treasurer)
  • James Montgomery (Director)
  • Gary Davidson (Director)

GAP Staff:

  • Bobby Park (Senior Project Officer)
  • David Nugent (Project Coordinator)


GAP Services

  • If you are a disabled person needing help with access issues.
  • For Disability Equality training.
  • For an access audit for your organisation.
  • For information about our Shopping Consultancy Service.
  • If you need help to develop or improve one of your buildings or services.
Glasgow Access Panel
Glasgow Access Panel
Unit 17, Chapel Street Estate
Maryhill G20 9BQ Scotland
0141 946 8488
Charity No: SCO36531